49 and Fabulous

49 and Fabulous

Friday, March 16, 2012

Injury Update

So I strained my Achilles, that’s what Dr. Peterson told me. To me it is simply -- "My ankle hurts" (said with a loud whine)!! I stepped on a volleyball at Volleyball camp when I was in my sophomore year in high school and my ankle has given me problems ever since. My theory, which isn't tested or medical, it's just an old injury.

I took one week off of running completely and ran 3.5 miles on Monday and 3.5 miles on Wednesday. I will be running 6 miles tomorrow if I am able to finish. It’s not the 16 mile run that my training schedule would have me doing, but I am really happy that I feel capable and looking forward to running at all.

I came up with three key points when you get injured that really helped me and saved my training – and in turn my May 6th Pittsburgh marathon.


1. It’s all preventative. You will hear/read over and over and over that you need to listen to your body. The one thing I did correctly as far as my injury -- was I took care of it immediately. Excuse the pun, but I ran to my chiropractor. The earlier you treat it the better off you are. I didn't run when I was told not to, I rested and stayed off my foot. Listen to your body.
2. Listen to your Doctor and ignore your friends. I got so many well meaning friends telling me to wear orthotics, wear an ankle brace, ice, heat, massage – stand on my head, do the hooky poky. In the end I just smiled and said thank you, but I took the direction from Dr. Peterson and he is the only one out of all my friends with a medical degree hanging on the wall. Ignore your friends.
3. Ease back into running. Put the first two together and listen to your body and your doctor when starting back into running. I wanted to blast through my 3.5 miles and “take on these runs,” “get back into my training” -- but I slowed down my pace and kept to the mileage Dr. Peterson had cleared me for. He kept saying, “Listen to me,” “listen to me” and surprisingly, I did. I was able to recover at a faster pace. I had to resist when I felt like speeding up, or to continue running. I kept my pace slow and stopped running, got off the treadmill, as I hit that 3.5 mile mark.

Walking into the gym on Wednesday I really thought my marathon was over. My lower leg was sore and I have moments of pain shooting through my ankle as I walked the stairs to the locker room. I got to the treadmill, ran my .8 miles and stopped to stretch. I felt a bit defeated and wasn’t sure what to do -- my leg was not loosing up and it was still uncomfortable with pain.

I still had an inkling of that “killer instinct” left in me and one of my favorite Parachute Band songs came on my I-Shuffle as I stepped back on the treadmill to hit that “quick start” button.

The Parachute Band “Come Before”
Come before
Before you now
And I lay my burdens down
Prince of peace
Son of the father I adore
I love you Lord
You’re all I have
You’re all I ever really want
And your face is all I seek

I started running and as I hit the treadmill, slowly – and over the next mile, the pain dispersed from my leg. It wasn't magic and immediate, and it hasn’t been pain free since Wednesday, but today (Friday) I feel much more normal than I have in two weeks and look forward to hitting Central Park tomorrow. Dr. Peterson has promised that I will be back on track as far as my training is concerned. But for tomorrow at least, I will be running six miles.

I did lay my burdens down on that treadmill, I laid my ankle pain, my finances and my single life – down. I knew leaving the gym Wednesday night that I would be okay, i would be able to run my marathon, i will be able to pay off my debt, I start dating. I just knew. With God all things are possible.

I “feel,” I “believe,” I “think” that part of the challenge is that I cannot, under any circumstances pick anyone of these three things back up. That is the lesson that injuring my leg during my marathon training has shown me: not only lay down my burdens – but keep them down.

NOW, I have no idea how to do that, BUT, I also feel like the secret of "down"-- will be revealed to me. Just like how I had to go through an ankle injury. With a few trusted freinds, listening and postive actions to follow. All of course with a smile and hair flip.

I’m hoping to have somewhat nice weather tomorrow;
I’m also hoping your well,
Let’s do this !!

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